How to choose guava to eat for health benefits and safety.

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Guava is a fruit rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin A, which are 4 times more than lemons ,making it valuable in building resistance to colds. 100 grams of guava provides only 36 calories, has 3 grams of dietary fiber , and is also high in vitamin C. 100 grams of round and seedless guava contains 150–180 milligrams of vitamin C, as well as other nutrients that are essential to the body, such as potassium and magnesium. In addition to the many health benefits of guava, leaves can also be use for health benefits.

Guava is an easy-to-eat fruit, sweet, crispy, delicious, easy to find, inexpensive, and healthy. It is the fruit with the highest vitamin C content, 5 times higher than oranges. In this ยูฟ่าเบท, we will take everyone to see the benefits, an easy-to-find fruit with high vitamin C that is better than you think. Importantly, it is low in calories and sugar, making it suitable for people who are controlling their weight. If you want to know what benefits has.

The nutritional benefits are summariz as follows:

Pectin is a mild laxative, good for relieving constipation. It is very suitable for those who want to lose weight or are controlling their weight. Because guava is full of dietary fiber, it helps you feel full for a long time and makes you hungry slowly. Because fiber helps maintain a stable blood sugar level. In addition, fiber also helps to detoxify the body. Therefore, it makes the skin look radiant.

Vitamin C and vitamin A help increase resistance to colds, nourish gums and teeth, prevent bleeding gums. Helps eliminate bacteria in the mouth, helps nourish gums and teeth to be strong, treats gum disease, relieves toothache from swollen gums, gingivitis. In addition, guava leaves also help to eliminate bad breath. Just chew fresh guava leaves and spit out the pulp to help freshen breath and eliminate bad breath effectively.

Guava is a fruit that is full of many benefits because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. To eat guava to get the most benefits, you should try to follow these guidelines:

  • Is a fruit that can be eating both ripe and raw, including the seeds. However, should be wash thoroughly before eating to prevent chemical residues.
  • Eating fresh guava is more beneficial than eating processed such as juice,  jam, jelly because it may cause you to consume more sugar. Also, you should avoid eating fresh guava with chili, salt or other seasonings which contain a lot of sugar and salt.
  • To wash safely and cleanly, start by washing your hands with soap. Then wash thoroughly and rub it gently, possibly using a fruit brush. When finished washing, use a clean towel or tissue paper to dry it.
  • Pickled guava should not be eating continuously because even though pickling increases probiotics that are beneficial to the body, pickling also increases sodium, which can cause high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease.  
  • When choosing guava, do not choose with bruises and should choose that is light green to yellow. Some may have pink spots. Ripe will be soft and fragrant. 

Guava is a fruit that is high in vitamin C and has many benefits. Guava is also low in calories and sugar, making it suitable for people who are controlling their weight. However, the most beneficial way to eat is to eat the skin to get vitamin C and other benefits.